10个重要的手机应用面试问题 *

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Interview Questions


如何在Android和iOS中存储数据? 有哪些数据库和本地解决方案可用?

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Android的本地数据存储解决方案是 SharedPreferences. 这是为了存储少量数据,如用户偏好或设置. The data are stored in an XML file.

iOS上也有类似的解决方案 UserDefaults (previously NSUserDefaults). The data are stored in a .plist file.

Both platforms have the possibility to use SQLite and provide frameworks and libraries to operate on the data (though it is possible to use the database manually):

  • iOS has Core Data,一个管理对象图的框架. 它可以使用SQLite,但也可以将数据保存在二进制存储或仅保存在内存中.
  • Android has the Room persistence library, which simplifies managing SQLite databases and reduces boilerplate around database usage.

The other possibility is Realm, a non-relational database system designed for mobile devices. It’s also available for hybrid solutions like Xamarin or React Native and is more efficient than SQLite.


什么是国际化和本地化? Do these terms mean the same thing?

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不,这些术语不是同义词,但它们是相关的. They’re both relevant to making the app available (and user-friendly) in languages other than the default language.

国际化(“i18n”)是使应用程序代码适应其他语言的过程. For example, 应用程序可能需要以不同的格式显示数据, prices, 或带有正确小数或千位分隔符的数字, 甚至处理文本是从右向左还是从左向右书写. 它还需要考虑用户的时区.

Localization (“l10n”), on the other hand, is the process of preparing the content of the app to be available in different languages. 这包括翻译应用程序的大部分资源,如文本、图像和声音. 不同语言的资源通常保存在不同的文件或目录中, 操作系统会根据用户设置选择合适的.



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不通过一系列请求轮询从服务器接收信息, 移动应用程序可能会使用推送通知. 这是比不断请求新数据更好的解决方案, 因为它不会耗尽电池,将使用更少的网络数据.


  • Apple Push Notifications 只向iOS设备发送推送通知.
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging 谷歌向设备发送推送通知的机制是什么 replaced Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). This is touted as “multi-platform,这意味着它也支持iOS设备, 通过苹果的推送通知服务(apn)进行转发.


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One of the most popular (and free) is Firebase Crashlytics, which supports both iOS and Android. 它提供了很多关于应用程序崩溃的有用信息,比如全栈跟踪, operating system version, device manufacturer, and user language.

其他一些工具是Sentry(当你用JavaScript编写应用程序时很有用).g.(用于React Native)、Appsee、Raygun和Instabug. 它们的不同之处在于提供了崩溃和使用细节以及价格.


How can sensitive data like contacts or access to the camera (or other sensors) be secured in the world of mobile apps?

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对用户数据或传感器的访问受到权限系统的限制. 这意味着当应用程序想要使用像GPS这样的功能时, 它必须请求用户的许可,并解释为什么需要这个许可.

用户可以同意或拒绝请求. The developer must foresee rejecting and provide a way to still use some of the app’s features, 没有被拒绝的传感器或数据,哪个可以工作. Permissions can be granted or denied not only when the app is run but also from the user’s settings, 所以应用程序必须一直检查它.

The permissions mechanism can change between OS versions, so the developer has to be aware of that. 例如,在Android版本6以下.0 (Marshmallow),权限声明在 AndroidManifest.xml,用户在应用程序安装期间授予所有这些权限.


原生应用和混合应用的区别是什么? 混合应用的优势和劣势是什么?

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Native apps are written specifically for one platform, in the language used on said platform, i.e. iOS平台的Objective-C或Swift, Android平台的Java或Kotlin. These apps have the best performance and can be designed for the specific platform which users are used to, 所以iOS用户不会对Android的一些行为或布局感到惊讶,反之亦然.

混合应用可以在多个平台上运行. Under the hood, 混合应用程序实际上是在web视图中显示的网页, 所以它通常是用JavaScript和HTML编写的. 流行的混合框架有Ionic、Cordova和PhoneGap.

不过,混合应用的性能比原生应用差. 访问设备硬件(如传感器)有时可能会出现问题, 并且通常需要针对每个平台分别编写, 所以开发者必须使用本地代码并编写特定于平台的内容.

It is also very hard to design one app that looks nice and is user-friendly for both iOS and Android. On the other hand, the process of writing a hybrid app might be cheaper and faster than writing a native app for each platform. 这种技术特别适用于小型和简单的应用程序.

There is also a third group of apps, 使用React Native等技术开发, Xamarin, or Flutter. These are frameworks that try to connect the ease of writing multi-platform apps with native performance. 它们提供了用一种语言(javascript)编写代码的可能性, C#, 或dart -并将其编译为本机代码. 框架通常使用控件的本机实现, 所以用户体验比混合应用好一点.



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手机比独立的电脑更容易出现网络问题. The user can move, going to some tunnel or area without WiFi or cellular network access. 因此,互联网并不总是可用的,或者不是最好的质量. 手机可能会频繁切换网络. Loading tons of heavy data when users use their cellular network will drain their data packets and expose them to additional costs. The developer might provide an offline mode and different data loading behavior when working on WiFi, LTE, 3G or H; e.g.,不要下载电影或要求低质量的图像.


Developers must be aware that the device on which they are testing their app is just one of thousands of devices their users will use. 他们必须检查应用程序在小型手机、大型手机、平板电脑等设备上的效果., and adapt the layout to them.

Developers must also take into account the number of different system versions in use (mostly on Android phones), decide which are supported, 并了解它们之间的区别. Also, 这款应用在不同制造商的设备上可能存在一些漏洞, so it is always good to have variety of physical devices for testing or use a test-device farm.


尽管我们手机的内存越来越大, 良好的内存管理仍然是必要的. 该操作系统将关闭使用过多内存的应用程序, 因此,开发人员必须关心内存泄漏并优化长时间运行的操作.

Disk Space

和内存一样,制造商给我们提供了越来越多的磁盘空间. 对于某些设备,还可以使用SD卡扩展此功能.

尽管如此,开发者还是应该让应用尽可能的小. Having to download 500 MB to use a small app like a calculator will discourage users from trying the app in the first place.

But also once installed, keeping unnecessary files and otherwise taking up too much space may lead to users uninstalling the app and looking for a better alternative.


这是当代手机最薄弱的地方之一. 我们在应用程序中的每一个动作都会影响电池.

用户肯定会删除那些耗电过多的应用. 开发者在使用不同的服务(如GPS)时必须小心谨慎. Developers should use such features only when necessary and use optimized OS solutions to update data in the background.


描述在Google Play和苹果App Store发布应用的过程. 向每个商店发布应用程序需要什么?

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Both Google Play and the App Store require images, an app description, and a unique identifier.

Google Play



APK必须签名以证明它来自您的特定公司. 签名是使用密钥存储库完成的, 哪个文件包含属于公司/开发人员的一个或多个私钥. (如果该文件丢失,则无法对应用程序进行更新.)

谷歌还推出了一个名为Android App Bundles的新发布系统, 它提供较小的APK大小并管理签名, 但旧版本的安卓系统无法使用.


The App Store

Apple requires a developer account connected with the Apple Developer Program to publish apps here.

首先,应用程序必须在iTunes Connect中为其创建一个配置文件.

完成的应用程序被构建到一个IPA文件中,该文件必须由一些证书签名. Xcode helps to do it all automatically using the Distribution Certificate (DC) and the Provisioning Profile, which connects the DC to the app ID.

一旦发送,应用程序将由苹果的一个团队进行检查. 可能需要几天的时间,应用程序才会被批准(或拒绝)发布.


How can you deal with the plethora of different screen resolutions and screen sizes out there? 什么单位被引入来简化定位和大小元素? How do you deal with images?

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Both Apple and Google have introduced their own unit to help developers deal with different screen resolutions. 对于苹果来说,他们重新利用了(或者可能是现代化了)?),“点”(pt)不再是1/72英寸, 但在视网膜显示器上是它的两倍, 或者在更大的视网膜显示器上是3倍,但是 精确的缩放并不总是整数倍 like that.

Google, instead, uses a relatively new term, the “density-independent pixel” (DIP or “dp”). The idea behind both strategies is the same: to hide the real screen resolution and give programmers a unit independent of pixels.

Each device has a scale factor of how many pixels corresponds to one point (or density pixel). 这意味着当iOS开发者说图像是80px * 80px时, 在一些非常老的设备上,真实的像素大小是80x80.g.iPhone 6为160 × 160, iPhone X为240 × 240.

The same rule is true for Android phones; however, 在这个平台上有更多可能的比例因子.

处理不同的屏幕尺寸对设计师来说也非常重要, 因为他们必须为每个密度组准备图形. 有时候,为手机和平板电脑准备不同的布局是件好事, 甚至是纵向和横向.

如果可能的话,应该使用SVG格式的图像. They can be scaled without losing quality and they take less space than the same image in different sizes. Android和iOS都支持使用SVG图像.

此外,这两个平台都支持布局约束. Using this technique, elements can be placed in relation to other elements or screen edges. 这在不同的屏幕和方向上提供了更灵敏的设计.



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应用沙箱是一种在内核级别隔离应用的安全机制. Each app is run in its own sandbox, which means that it has a very limited access to data: It can access only its own data and files, 没有其他应用程序可以读取或写入它们.

This is to protect user data from malicious software which might be accidentally or intentionally installed on the device. Apps are still able share some data, but only the data they want to, 使用系统提供的机制(例如.g., ContentProvider on Android).

面试不仅仅是棘手的技术问题, 所以这些只是作为一个指南. 并不是每一个值得雇佣的“A”候选人都能回答所有的问题, 回答所有问题也不能保证成为A级考生. At the end of the day, 招聘仍然是一门艺术,一门科学,需要大量的工作.

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Daniel is an open-minded web and mobile developer who has spent most of his career in mobile and web development. He specializes in React, Next.js, React Native, GraphQL, Firebase, REST api, Node.js, and Agile software development. In the last 12 years, he has developed and published many applications in various industries. 丹尼尔的目标是在每个项目中达到最高效率, learn from the experience, 并使用两者来改进和交付高质量的产品.

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Diego Alfarache

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United StatesToptal自由移动应用开发者 Since June 7, 2023

Diego是一位经验丰富的软件工程师,专门从事移动应用程序和嵌入式项目, 能让陷入困境的项目起死回生. 他有很好的沟通能力, 重要的客户体验, and top-notch programming, debugging, and technical skills. 具有亲力亲为的领导能力和创造伟大产品和团队的热情, Diego brings 20 years of experience building software solutions for consumer electronics, medical, scientific, and enterprise communities.

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Paul E Dawson

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Paul is a software architect who has built platforms and solutions for Fortune 100 companies to startups. He has worked in all three clouds and is not necessarily tied to a technical stack but will use the best tools for the job. 在不同的高节奏环境中工作过, Paul can adapt, learn, 并在高水平上应用新技术.

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