Aram Sargsyan, Developer in Yerevan, Armenia
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Aram Sargsyan

Verified Expert  in Engineering

iOS Developer

Yerevan, Armenia
Toptal Member Since
August 11, 2021

Aram是一名拥有8年经验的软件工程师,在移动应用程序方面拥有强大的背景. He's played a key role in the number one mobile photo editor on iOS, PicsArt, and participated as a student in Google's Summer of Code 2017. Aram从零开始开发了多个成功的应用程序,并期待着利用他的专业知识与新客户合作.


m.Sparx Associates LTD
iOS, Firebase, Swift, API集成,Firebase iOS SDK, SwiftUI, Combine, Xcode
Proton Technologies, A.G.
Swift, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Model View Controller (MVC)...
RichPeach Media
Swift, Objective-C, iOS, iOS SDK, Yandex API, Git, CocoaPods, GitHub, App Store...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, Xcode, Slack

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Swift/Firebase Dev for Calendar iOS Application

2023 - 2024
m.Sparx Associates LTD
  • Designed the whole application alone. Used Apple's best practices.
  • 使用苹果最新的框架——Combine和SwiftUI开发整个应用程序. 使用MVVM架构完美地连接了业务逻辑和UI部分.
  • 创建了一种机制来显示日历网格,其中包含基于各自时区的所有事件, keeping information intact and still having a seamlessly flowing grid.
技术:iOS, Firebase, Swift, API集成,Firebase iOS SDK, SwiftUI, Combine, Xcode

Software Engineer (iOS)

2021 - 2023
Proton Technologies, A.G.
  • 在一个六人的团队中工作,开发并交付质子日历应用程序到App Store.
  • 通过集成和使用Combine和SwiftUI,使用了一个新的iOS技术栈.
  • 与后端团队密切合作,确保对前端和后端之间的数据进行适当的加密和解密.
Technologies: Swift, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Model View Controller (MVC), REST APIs, iOS, Mobile Security, C, MacOS, Calendars, Notification Center, Data Encryption, iOS API, iOS Frameworks, Mobile Applications, iOS Native Libraries, REST, SwiftUI, UI Testing, Unit Testing, Architecture, Accessibility, Mobile Architecture, API Integration

Software Engineer (iOS)

2020 - 2021
RichPeach Media
  • Single-handedly developed multiple applications from scratch, including a diet helper, a grocery companion, and a spelling fixer.
  • 通过修复漏洞和崩溃以及开发用户要求的功能,维护App Store上的多个应用.
  • 调查和研究将用于未来应用程序的公开可用api. 为iOS开发sdk,将这些api用于当前和未来的应用程序.
Technologies: Swift, Objective-C, iOS, iOS SDK, Yandex API, Git, CocoaPods, GitHub, App Store, App Submission, App Store Acceptance Process, iTunes Connect, Firebase, Firebase iOS SDK, Firebase Analytics, Firebase Cloud Functions, Firebase Authentication, Crashlytics, Crash Fixing, Core Graphics, Core Animation, Auto Layout, Core Data, Model View Controller (MVC), Model View Presenter (MVP), Alamofire, Apple Subscriptions, In-app Purchases, Apple Push Notifications, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Mobile Development, Mobile App Development, REST APIs, UI Testing, Coded UI Tests, XCTest, Automated UI Testing, iOS API, Core Image, Image Manipulation, iOS Frameworks, Mobile Applications, iOS Native Libraries, Notification Center, Mobile Security, Video Streaming, REST, Unit Testing, Architecture, Accessibility, Mobile Architecture, Technical Leadership, API Integration

Co-founder and Development Lead

2019 - 2021
  • Managed the iOS and back-end teams and was in charge of feature delivery.
  • 将产品团队创建的故事转换为技术团队的技术需求.
  • Spearheaded the entire release process, 包括部署到服务器,提交和接受应用商店.
Technologies: iOS, Git, GitLab CI/CD, CI/CD Pipelines, JavaScript, Node.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS), App Store, App Submission, App Store Acceptance Process, Swift, Objective-C, Trello, Cocoa Touch, iTunes Connect, Firebase, Firebase Analytics, Firebase Cloud Functions, Firebase Authentication, Cloud Firestore, Push Notifications, Apple Push Notifications, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Core Graphics, Core Animation, Auto Layout, Core Data, Model View Presenter (MVP), Model View Controller (MVC), VIPER Architecture, MapKit, Mapbox iOS SDK, Google Maps SDK, Mapbox Styling, Alamofire, SnapKit, Facebook SDK, Apple Subscriptions, In-app Purchases, Digital Payments, Crash Fixing, Maps, CocoaLumberjack, Firebase iOS SDK, iOS SDK, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Socket Programming, Socket.IO, Mobile Development, Mobile App Development, REST APIs, iOS API, Core Image, iOS Frameworks, Mobile Applications, iOS Native Libraries, Notification Center, Mobile Security, Video Streaming, REST, SwiftUI, Unit Testing, Architecture, Accessibility, Mobile Architecture, Technical Leadership, API Integration

Software Engineer (iOS)

2017 - 2019
  • 在从Realm到Core Data的应用程序数据库重构中发挥了关键作用.
  • 监督使用Keras和Core ML将人工智能纳入应用程序.
  • Participated in the application rewrite from Objective-C to Swift.
Technologies: iOS, VIPER Architecture, Objective-C, Swift, Core Data, Core ML, Exchange API, Realm, UIKit, Cocoa Touch, Xcode, Git, GitHub, CocoaPods, App Store, App Submission, App Store Acceptance Process, iTunes Connect, Firebase, Firebase Analytics, Firebase iOS SDK, Cloud Storage, Firebase Authentication, Push Notifications, Apple Push Notifications, Crashlytics, Crash Fixing, CocoaLumberjack, A/B Testing, Core Graphics, Core Animation, Auto Layout, Model View Controller (MVC), Model View Presenter (MVP), Alamofire, Masonry, SQLite, iOS SDK, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Network Extension, Networking, Socket Programming, Mobile Development, Mobile App Development, REST APIs, Automated UI Testing, XCTest, Coded UI Tests, Unit Testing, iOS API, iOS Frameworks, Mobile Applications, iOS Native Libraries, Data Encryption, Notification Center, Mobile Security, Video Streaming, REST, SwiftUI, UI Testing, Architecture, Accessibility, Mobile Architecture, API Integration

Summer of Code Student

2017 - 2017
  • 创建了一个统一的媒体查看器,准备与Matrix SDK用户应用程序集成, combined with Riot iOS.
  • 构建了一个独立的应用程序扩展,无需打开应用程序即可从iOS共享内容.
  • Developed generic UI components for use in the open-source iOS SDK.
Technologies: Swift, Objective-C, iOS, iOS SDK, UIKit, Cocoa Touch, Xcode, Git, CocoaPods, GitHub, App Store, App Submission, App Store Acceptance Process, iTunes Connect, Extensions, Crashlytics, Crash Fixing, Auto Layout, Core Data, Model View Controller (MVC), Model View Presenter (MVP), Alamofire, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Mobile Development, Mobile App Development, REST APIs, iOS API, iOS Frameworks, Mobile Applications, iOS Native Libraries, Data Encryption, Notification Center, Mobile Security, REST, Unit Testing, Architecture, Accessibility, Mobile Architecture, API Integration

Software Engineer (iOS)

2016 - 2017
  • 为艺术家合作开发了类似instagram的社交网络.
  • Served as one of the two developers to create the "Challenges" feature. 它被用来组织照片编辑比赛,由社区选出获胜者. PicsArt "Challenges" turned out to be quite successful.
  • Reimagined and completely rewrote the onboarding flow of the application. 创建了一个可重用的组件,可以在应用程序的任何地方用于多种类型的登录.
Technologies: Objective-C, Objective-C++, Swift, iOS, Git, Model View Controller (MVC), Model View Presenter (MVP), App Store, Cocoa Touch, Bitbucket, Jira, Crashlytics, Core Graphics, Core Animation, Auto Layout, Core Data, Alamofire, Crash Fixing, A/B Testing, iOS SDK, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Mobile Development, Mobile App Development, REST APIs, iOS API, Core Image, Image Manipulation, Video Editing, iOS Frameworks, Mobile Applications, iOS Native Libraries, Notification Center, Mobile Security, Video Streaming, REST, Unit Testing, Architecture, Accessibility, Mobile Architecture, API Integration

Stomion Assistant

Stomion Assistant is a mobile application in the healthcare industry. The app was developed by order of Armenia's top dental clinic, Stomion. The assistant is used by regular people that can add requests to doctors. The requests include real chats, and the doctor is there to assist them. 人们和医生都在使用同样的应用程序,根据账户类型的不同,功能设置也有所不同.



This application is the main focus of the same-named startup. Oores is a map-based social mobile platform. The app lets you match with other people by your interests. 中心部分紧随其后——你可以在地图上看到你的比赛,并可以发送位置共享请求. Oores is focused on instant, real-time meetings and events.


Pure Todo

A pure to-do list, as the name suggests. This application was developed with simplicity in mind. 该应用程序的用户界面是用户友好的,并按照苹果的指导方针完成. The app packs essential to-do list handling features.



Rankee是一款用于容纳网站排名系统的iOS应用程序. Users can see the ranked websites by stars and can add their reviews. The application is developed using Apple's best practices.


Diet Companion
This mobile application helps you reach your weight goals easily. 在从你的输入或Apple Health接收到有关你的数据后,它会为你计算饮食计划. If you choose to accept a plan, you can track your progress in the app, entering what you consume manually, while other information (e.g., calories burned) is synchronized from Apple Health.

Note: I developed the entire application for a client, 根据公司与我签署的保密协议,我无权分享App Store链接. 相反,我发布了一个链接,其中包含该应用程序的简短描述和一些截图.

Spelling Wizard
这个移动应用程序用于在发送文本之前检查拼写. The UI is simple, with the main component being the text entry field. Text is marked red on mistakes and green on mistakes that are fixed.

Note: I developed the entire application for a client, 根据公司与我签署的保密协议,我无权分享App Store链接. 相反,我发布了一个链接,其中包含该应用程序的简短描述和一些截图.

Grocery List Manager
这个移动应用程序用于创建和维护每日、每周和每月的购物清单. The functionality is basic and on point. Everything happens on your device, on the local database. Shopping items have customization options.

Note: I developed the entire application for a client, 根据公司与我签署的保密协议,我无权分享App Store链接. 相反,我发布了一个链接,其中包含该应用程序的简短描述和一些截图.

Cryptomask是一款应用程序,它提供了一种安全的方式来存储您的加密货币钱包的私钥,并使用易于记忆的密码来保护它们. 安全存储的基础是使用使用必要的增强方法和用户密码导出的密钥对信息进行加密. 其他功能包括助记短语的自动补全建议,以及与第三方服务共享加密数据.

注意:整个应用程序是由我在俄罗斯-亚美尼亚(斯拉夫)大学的课程范围内设计和开发的. All of the rights to the application belong to the university, as do all of the student's courses works. Therefore, 根据学校和我签署的保密协议,我没有权利分享App Store链接. Instead, I posted a link containing the presentation of the application.

Selfie Helper
这个移动应用程序通过每天添加一个人或物体的照片来创建延时. 最后,所有的照片都被连接在一个很酷的进度展示视频中.

Note: I developed the entire application for a client, 根据公司与我签署的保密协议,我无权分享App Store链接. 相反,我发布了一个链接,其中包含该应用程序的简短描述和一些截图.


ArmorPlus is an application used to hire bodyguards. The user interface is based on a map and resembles that of Uber.

Note: I have been a part of the development team, developing the authorization and mapping parts for a client. All of the rights to the application belong to the client.
2014 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science

Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University - Yerevan, Armenia


Advanced iOS Development

ACA (Armenian Code Academy)


Objective-C, Swift, C++, JavaScript, C


Core Data, iOS SDK, UIKit, Cocoa Touch, MapKit, Core Text, iOS Frameworks, Core ML, CocoaLumberjack, SwiftUI, Network Extension, XCTest, Combine


Firebase iOS SDK, CocoaPods, Google Maps API, Google Maps, Google Maps SDK, Mapbox iOS SDK, Alamofire, Core Graphics, Apple Subscriptions, Socket.IO, iOS Native Libraries, iOS API, Core Image, Facebook SDK, Core Animation, SnapKit, Masonry, REST APIs, Exchange API, Yandex API, Node.js


Git, Xcode, Apple HealthKit, TestFlight, iTunes Connect, Firebase Analytics, Crashlytics, Apple Push Notifications, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Auto Layout, Firebase Authentication, Trello, GitLab, GitLab CI/CD, Figma, GitHub, Bitbucket, Jira


Model View Controller (MVC), Model View Presenter (MVP), VIPER Architecture, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Mobile Development, REST, Socket Programming, Coded UI Tests, Unit Testing


iOS、Firebase、Mapbox、MacOS、Amazon Lightsail、Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Cloud Firestore, Realm, SQLite


App Submission, App Store Acceptance Process, Firebase Cloud Functions, Maps, In-app Purchases, Push Notifications, Crash Fixing, Extensions, Mobile App Development, Mobile Applications, Location Services, Mobile Architecture, API Integration, SDK Development, Software Development Toolkits (SDK), Objective-C++, Algorithms, Data Structures, App Support, Cryptography, iOS Cryptographic Services, Mapbox Styling, SDKs, Digital Payments, Cloud Storage, A/B Testing, iPad, Audio Streaming, Video Streaming, Image Manipulation, Video Editing, Architecture, Accessibility, Technical Leadership, Discrete Mathematics, Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, CI/CD Pipelines, App Store, AVFoundation, Networking, Calendars, Charts, Automated UI Testing, UI Testing, Mobile Security, Notification Center, Data Encryption, Web3

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