



Chris' senior-level experience with AWS best-practices fast-tracked our company's infrastructure development. His work was a crucial milestone that enabled us to scale our engineering teams 和 systems in step with our rapid growth.

马克Marcantano, 平静的技术项目经理

平静 is really taking leaps forward to ensure their customers have the best possible user experience in terms of stability 和 performance. 迁移到AWS EKS进一步使平静能够专注于产品, 速度, 和 user experience without concerns for the operational overhead 和 complexities that Kubernetes can introduce.

克里斯托弗Stobie, Toptal首席开发运维工程师

The Challenge 平静 Faced When an Unexpected Outage Brought Their System Down

Many companies are evolving their IT solutions to move from virtualization to containerized solutions, allowing them to abstract away differences in OS distributions 和 underlying infrastructures. Kubernetes is an open-sourced container management system that provides mechanisms for deploying, 维护, 扩展容器化应用程序, 这是平静为自己的运营而建立的系统, 使用当时存在的标准行业工具.

平静聘请了克里斯托弗·斯托比, 通过Toptal AWS DevOps实践的高级工程师, 以补充他们现有的资源, as they simply didn’t have enough people with the necessary skills to manage the systems they already had in place. 克里斯上班的第二天, what 平静 subsequently referred to as the “Great 和 Terrible Outage” occurred as a result of Etcd corruption in the self-managed k8s control plane rolling the system back to its legacy infrastructure, 带来灾难性的后果. “平静 was running Kubernetes entirely by themselves, which is very hard to do,” notes Chris. “但是在平静的第二天, 停电了两天, Kubernetes故障, 控制平面已经损坏,无法恢复.”

尽管形势严峻, 克里斯可以建一个新的, fully-automated cluster that would be managed by AWS instead of self-managed. 他开发了在EKS下运行的系统, creating a whole networking layer as code in Terraform 和 enabling 平静 to be fully functional again. Because of the ease of use of the AWS solution, the migration to EKS only took about three days.


Though prompted by an unexpected emergency situation, the migration had immediate results. 控制平面的稳定性立即得到了改善, 和 the networking overhead within the cluster was significantly reduced. 除了, the source-controlled cluster configuration allowed for quick iterations, 并且IAM授权设置非常简单.

The metrics for success that most companies running an IT environment would use – uptime, 弹性, ability to depend on production environments – saw substantial improvement after the switch to EKS. 以前, 单是停机时间的成本就很可观, with each outage costing approximately $40K per hour as 平静 was unable to subscribe users. 在EKS部署后的六个月里, 网络已经变得更加可靠, 和 the speed at which the server returns responses means that DevOps is no longer waiting for auto-complete to come back for suggested deployments.


While the AWS EKS system isn’t the only one in the managed Kubernetes marketplace, it certainly showcases the depth 和 breadth of AWS technology 和 expertise. 选择EKS作为早期采用者, 平静 displayed the forward thinking that is a hallmark of the best companies, as they implement technologies that will assure the most seamless client 和 customer experiences. 在这种情况下, 平静很早就意识到他们需要额外的帮助, 和 turned to Toptal knowing that Toptal would have the resources needed for such a monumental undertaking. A key lesson here for other companies relates to underst和ing that technology itself is not enough: while this success would not have been possible without the agile superiority of AWS cloud 和 technology offerings, the “human talent cloud” with experience in implementation is imperative as well. This combination enabled 平静 to institute a robust system that is in full production, a distinction that is relatively unique 和 gives them an advantage in the marketplace. 现在, 在EKS推出六个月后, the experience that 平静 has had shows that their innovative path is one that is continuing to pay dividends 和 will do so for some time into the future.

Faster server responses, which saves significant time previously spent waiting for auto-complete.

Faster server responses, which saves significant time previously spent waiting for auto-complete.



Fully-automated cluster managed by AWS, which allows 平静 to focus on other priorities.

Fully-automated cluster managed by AWS, which allows 平静 to focus on other priorities.

