Culture at Toptal®

Toptal is a company that values attitude over everything.

An overview

Toptal is a company that values attitude over everything.

Our vision is to be the greatest talent company in the world, 通过坚持不懈的创新态度和强大的执行力,我们比历史上任何一家人才公司都发展得更快. Our unique success comes from embracing a strong work ethic, a mindset of diligence, and a long-term vision.

许多公司雇佣人才完全是基于他们的硬技能——会编程的工程师, salespeople who can sell, marketers who can market, and everything in between. Here at Toptal, we demand the best, 但我们更关心的是,我们团队中每个人的态度都与我们的目标紧密一致 Cultural Attributes. We value attitude over everything, and it’s core to our success.

A bit about Toptal

Toptal is optimized for hyper-innovation and hyper-growth. If you admire the culture at places like Amazon, Tesla, Intel, 还有那些不断挑战创新极限的创业公司,他们需要花费大量的时间和精力才能取得成功, then you will love working at Toptal.

Toptal is not only a place to progress your career; it is a place to progress your idea of what quality means. It is a place to progress your idea of what depth means. 这是一个进步你的想法和学习如何开发推动业务和技术向前发展的极端创新的地方.

What does this mean in practice? For starters, we work extremely hard. As a remote company, 我们不知道也不关心你在椅子上坐了多少个小时——我们关心的是结果. We are a company of driven, ambitious individuals who care about impact, and impact requires raw effort. 我们希望你们为拥有这样的影响力而感到自豪,并渴望得到更多.

We are also a quality-first company. We focus on the top for talent and the top for clients, and this principle permeates through to all of our work as well. We take pride in our work. We think carefully about how to maximize the impact of everything we do, regardless of how small it is. We pay attention to details and are not ok with errors. We’re not ok with broken windows. We act as if each project we take on is a reflection of our character. 通过将自己推向极限,我们对质量是什么以及我们能实现什么有了更深入的了解. We get better, fast, 我们回顾自己的成长,以及我们所建立的东西的影响,以学习如何在未来更好地执行.

如果您想创建一种永远改变开发人员处理业务流程方式的编程语言, then you join Toptal. 如果你想推动最先进的软件系统之一,为经营企业而创建, you join Toptal. 如果你想进行快节奏的对话,快速进入问题的核心, you join Toptal. 如果你希望身边的人既着眼于长远,又能抓住每一天来发展业务, you join Toptal. 如果你想加入一家因其独创性和持续成功而经常被竞争对手模仿的公司, then you join Toptal.

Cultural Attributes

At Toptal, we must set the standard when it comes to culture and, over the years, we’ve identified several characteristics that have driven our success. The following are our Cultural Attributes.

Who we are:


You are driven to achieve extraordinary outcomes. You push yourself and those around you to be their best and accountable. You drive your teams to push beyond what they believe is possible. You are relentlessly resourceful and take ownership of any problem you see.


你在你的专业领域非常熟练,你不断努力提升自己. 你指导那些技术不如你的人,并推动他们变得更好. You apply your skills whenever and wherever needed.


You excel at synthesizing discussions and ideas between many individuals. 你有能力从这些人那里获得想法,并将它们整合成一个简单的, brilliant outcome.


You set your sights on extraordinary outcomes. You do not let yourself or your team set modest goals and casually meet them. You push innovation, you push estimates, and you push expectations.


You care deeply about what you do and your dedication is noteworthy. You inspire people through stories and your own energy. 你知道如何向你的团队成员展示他们工作的影响,并让他们对未来感到兴奋.


如果你不同意别人说的话,你永远不会把他当作真理——不管这个人在公司里有多大的权威——你总是直接挑战别人, not through backchannels. You question and challenge ideas, from policy to product decisions, and you always seek to understand the why behind everything.


You bring problems to the forefront. 当你主动标记产品中的问题时,你会引起执行团队和整个公司的注意, engineering, sales, and every other part of the organization.

*This is possibly the most important principle of all.


When a problem comes to your attention, you must listen and understand it. This doesn’t mean that we must satisfy all perspectives—we’re a meritocracy, not a democracy—but you must listen and understand issues before reacting.


你了解团队的目标和目的,并能用一句话表达出来. 你不断地与你的团队分享这些目标和原则,以确保每个人都有完美的理解和一致.


你总是可以帮助和指导别人——无论是技术上的挑战, an interpersonal issue, or any other kind of roadblock.

*Your helpfulness to others is especially valued at Toptal.

If you want to be first, innovating, and leading the future, you join Toptal. You join Toptal to win, to be original, and to work with the best.

Working at Toptal isn't for everyone.

There are many reasons why you should not join Toptal. 例如,关于远程工作的一个常见误解是,它等同于一项简单的工作. Not here. In our experience, you will work harder than you’ve ever worked before, but if you’re motivated by impact, you will be happier at work than you’ve ever been. 如果你认为团队不应该有激进的截止日期和目标,你也不应该加入Toptal. 如果你认为这个宇宙中有无法测量的东西,你就不要加入Toptal. 如果你只想简单地进行A/B测试,而不首先确保所有内容都符合我们的质量标准,那么你就不要加入Toptal. 如果你只是想模仿竞争对手,你就不会加入Toptal,因为你自己想不出更好的点子. 如果你每天醒来都不问问自己如何才能做得更好,你就不会加入Toptal, surround yourself with people who think in the same way, and take it as a matter of principle to be the best.

Who we are not:


我们有无限假期的政策,但我们从不滥用它,也从不让我们的团队陷入困境. It’s extremely important that no one burns out at Toptal, 但我们不是一个朝九晚五的工作场所,因为我们认为这种心态不利于我们所信奉的强烈的职业道德. 顶尖人才必须仔细计划他们的休假时间,相对于他们的倡议的紧迫性和重要性.


We are not a company that gives easy deadlines or goals. 团队领导应该非常雄心勃勃,并要求他们的团队也如此.


We do not value leaders who are indecisive. 我们期望领导者能够自信地做出决定,支持他们,以身作则.


我们不能容忍那些害怕把问题提出来或回避困难对话的领导者或团队成员. 我们希望所有领导和团队成员都能主动发现和沟通Toptal的问题. This is probably the most important example of what we are not.


We thrive on energy at Toptal, and if you are uninspiring to those around you, your team will plateau. You should be energized by solving hard problems, making an impact, and charismatically communicating with your team.


我们不能容忍那些仅仅因为薪水或远程工作能力而留在这里的人, as we believe that leads to being careless. You should work at Toptal, or any company for that matter, because you care about the people, the culture, and the mission.


我们不与那些想在一天结束时关掉手机的领导合作,因为他们不想被打扰. As a leader at Toptal, 你应该随时待命,并通过明确设定期望,随时通知你的团队. This does not mean we will bombard you with messages every evening, or even frequently; however, there will come a day when your team needs you and you will need to be available.


You should not feel conflicted about the culture of your company. Our cultural values are unique, 你应该为参加一项体现了你所信仰的精神的运动而感到兴奋.

Leaders set the example because leaders lead by example

We are direct in our feedback and never afraid to challenge each other, regardless of title within the organization. We value people who see things that we don’t—people who can be contrarian. Things sometimes get heated, and that’s usually a good thing. 这意味着我们离做出正确的决定越来越近了,而且人们真的很在乎.

Our culture is ambitious. Your teammates will push you to your limits as you push them to theirs. You will meet difficult roadblocks and sometimes frustration. You will work through challenges and take pride in your growth and impact, and that of the company you help to build.

No problem is too hard at Toptal. When the existing tools for running a hyper-growth business weren’t good enough, we created entirely new programming languages and frameworks. When we needed new solutions, we released large-scale open source projects. When we needed to scale while maintaining an incredibly high bar for quality, we created world-class operational and screening processes. 一路走来,我们打破了其他公司创造的记录. We’ve achieved all of this not because of our hard skills, but because of the cultural values and attitude we embrace.

If these cultural values resonate with you, welcome to Toptal.

Work with the best, for the best.

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