Peter Perez Jr,美国加州洛杉矶设计师
Peter is available for hire
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Peter Perez Jr

Verified Expert  in Design


June 6, 2019

Peter is a senior product designer and startup founder with over 10 years of experience designing user-centered digital products from conception to market. 他擅长B2B, B2C, mobile design, eCommerce, UX, UI, 仪表盘的设计, 生产力工具, blockchain, 和SaaS产品.




2022 - PRESENT
  • Led the design of Shazam's co-founder's lost-and-found platform.
  • Build a robust design system in Figma for developers and the product team.
  • Designed a pixel-perfect experience with the help of Boomerang's product team.
技术:Figma, Bootstrap, Lottie, 仪表盘的设计, UX Design, UI Design, Usability, Web Design, Email Design, UX Copy, Copywriting, B2B, B2B2C, Accessibility, Product Design


2010 - PRESENT
  • Served as a dedicated design partner, specializing in enhancing B2B and SaaS sector tools. Crafted digital products that combined intuitive functionality with aesthetic appeal, 影响全球专业人士.
  • Focused on creating solutions that not only met business needs but also enhanced daily work experiences for professionals.
  • 提供各种各样的服务, 包括UX/UI设计, design audits, workshops, branding, design systems, MVP design, 用户测试. Employed an iterative design process to refine and perfect products.
技术:用户体验(UX), 数据可视化, User Research, Product Design, UI Design, UX Design, Balsamiq, Figma, Adobe体验设计(XD), Sketch, Mobile UX, Design Systems, Mobile Design


2023 - 2023
  • Designed the controllers for the industrial manufacturer using Figma, 确保无缝和用户友好的界面.
  • Created a comprehensive user flow to be implemented on the website, 增强用户体验和导航.
  • Communicated closely with developers to ensure accurate implementation of designs and user flows, 培养一个有凝聚力的团队环境.
技术:Figma, 用户界面(UI), UI Design, Product Design, Web UI, Web UX


2020 - 2022
  • Worked on UX design, managed information architecture, and developed a heuristic analysis method.
  • 执行测试、线框图和原型制作.
  • Worked on UI design, operating a high-fidelity design, and contributed to branding.
技术:Figma, React, Bootstrap, UX Design


2020 - 2021
Toptal Client
  • 为健康行业的一个部门重新设计了整个CRM.
  • Worked end-to-end with the product team to gather requirements and come up with solutions.
  • Planned and conducted interviews with the internal team and users.
  • 研究、分析、提供、构建和迭代特性.
  • Created the initial wireframes, IA diagrams, Storyboards, and experience and journey maps.
  • Designed high and low-fidelity Prototypes and a wide range of UX assets and deliverables.
  • Worked closely with the development and product team to prioritize features.
Technologies: Miro, Balsamiq, Bootstrap, Zeplin, InVision, Adobe体验设计(XD), UX Design


2019 - 2020
  • Redesigned the entire platform from the ground up using the 迭代的设计 process and Jake Knapp's Sprint Design process (Miro whiteboard).
  • Worked closely with the founder, a team of developers and shareholders.
  • 交付用户流程,UX线框图,图标和品牌.
  • Designed High-fidelity design on Adobe XD and mobile on Sketch.
  • Helped code the SCSS and React used—with Git Push and Pull on Bitbucket.
  • Took part in an internal company hackathon with a team of 12+ people.
技术:用户体验(UX), 数据可视化, User Research, Product Design, UI Design, UX Design, React, Adobe Illustrator, Zeplin, Adobe体验设计(XD), InVision


2018 - 2019
  • Conducted user research and interviewed the team and power users.
  • Worked closely with the founder, shareholders, and development team.
  • 从头开始重新设计了整个招聘平台.
  • Designed wireframes in Balsamiq and presented in InVision to get feedback from team.
  • Prototyped the platform on InVision and conducted user testing via to get feedback before we continued on with full development.
  • Designed the final product in XD and delivered the final design via Zeplin.
技术:用户体验(UX), 数据可视化, User Research, Product Design, UI Design, UX Design, InVision, Miro, Zeplin, Balsamiq, Sketch, Adobe体验设计(XD)


2018 - 2019
  • Conducted intensive research on the freelance industry and interviewed LinkedIn users.
  • 为整个BaaS项目编写了白皮书.
  • Designed UX wireframes based on research and through the iterative design process.
  • 从头开始设计品牌和UI.
技术:用户体验(UX), User Research, Product Design, UX Design, UI Design, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch


2018 - 2019
  • 从头开始设计品牌及其元素.
  • 完成UX研究(迭代设计过程).
  • 撰写文案/营销口号.
  • 在Adobe XD中设计UX线框图和UI.
技术:用户体验(UX), User Research, Product Design, UI Design, Shopify, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe体验设计(XD), UX Design

UI Designer

2018 - 2019
  • 设计了一个要求很高的UI仪表板.
  • Worked with developers to properly execute my UI design elements.
  • 在敏捷/Scrum环境中工作.
  • 从头开始设计品牌.
  • Designed a CSS-first graphical card in illustrator to work smoothly live.
Technologies: UI Design, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe体验设计(XD), UX Design


2017 - 2018
Club Brando
  • 为整个网站设计品牌和文案.
  • Researched the industry and core market audience to execute the proper design via interviews, surveys, 参加贸易展览.
  • Optimized every page for every device to increase conversions.
  • Designed the entire website from the ground up using HTML/CSS in Shopify.
  • 制定商业模式和定价 model for the subscription service.
技术:用户体验(UX), User Research, Product Design, UI Design, CSS, HTML, Shopify, Adobe体验设计(XD), UX Design


2015 - 2017
Streetbox Club
  • 设计品牌, UX, UI从概念到市场, 并创立了“世界上第一家独家街头服饰俱乐部”."
  • Attended trade shows and conducted surveys to find the proper solution for the streetwear subscription club.
  • Reached #1 in Google search engine results under the phrase "streetwear subscription."
  • 制定商业模式和定价.
  • 设计时装服装从纸到充分发展.
  • 把创业公司卖给了私人投资者.
技术:用户研究, Product Design, Shopify, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe体验设计(XD), UX Design

UX/UI Designer

2015 - 2016
  • Interviewed a group of potential users to find the core problem and solution to determine the proper UX.
  • 用纸/铅笔设计低保真线框图.
  • 用Sketch设计UI(用户界面).
  • Led a team of three developers to launch and deploy the app in Android and iOS.
  • 负责公司名称的重新命名.
Technologies: UI Design, UX Design, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator


2010 - 2012
  • 为房地产中介设计营销材料.
  • Wireframed "squeeze pages" sales funnels to convert online traffic.
  • Designed and managed real estate websites (Drupal, WordPress) using HTML/CSS.
  • 设计和管理社交媒体资料.
  • 为各种房地产中介设计品牌.
技术:Adobe Illustrator
2004 - 2008

Progress towards a Degree in Cinematography and Film/Video Production (Screenwriting)



UX Design



Figma, Adobe体验设计(XD), Sketch, Balsamiq, Adobe Illustrator, InVision, Zeplin, Illustrator CC, InVision App, Miro








移动应用设计, 用户界面(UI), Web UI, Mobile UI, CRM Design, 数据可视化, Web Design, 用户体验(UX), Visual Design, 交互设计(IxD), UX Design, UI Design, 迭代的设计, User Research, Wireframing, Branding, UI Branding, Agile, Prototyping, MVP Design, Blockchain, Startups, Whiteboarding, 仪表盘的设计, SaaS, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Product Design, Mobile UX, Design Systems, Mobile Design, 手机UI设计, 移动用户体验设计, User Testing, Enterprise, Web App Design, Platforms, 人工智能(AI), SaaS Design, 分析设计, Kendo UI, 谷歌设计冲刺, Job Boards, 登陆页面设计, 登陆页优化, 转化率, 电子商务网站的设计, eCommerce UX, eCommerce, 移动电子商务, 响应设计, 区块链平台, 等距设计, Mobile Web, Social Networks, 迭代开发, Field Studies, User Onboarding, 数字营销, 区块链即服务, 品牌指导方针, 业务发展, Shopify Design, Bootstrap, React, Dashboards, Email Design, Lottie, Usability, UX Copy, Copywriting, B2B, B2B2C, Accessibility, Web UX



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