

旧金山,加利福尼亚州,2015年10月21日 Toptal, the world’s leading network of elite freelance software developers, today announced 女性开发者总奖学金, a program to support and empower women aspiring to become professional 软件工程师. As part of its commitment towards forming the strongest core engineering teams and engineering talent network possible, Toptal is welcoming women from across the world of any education level to apply to win one of 12 scholarships over the next year. 获胜者将获得5美元奖金,000 scholarship and weekly one-on-one technical training and mentorship from a Toptal senior software engineer to help them pursue their goals as future professional 软件工程师.

“Countless studies have shown that teams with a greater diversity of backgrounds and opinions consistently perform better and drive more innovation. This is something with which we’re intimately familiar at Toptal. Our core team and engineering network members come from all over the world and all walks of life,Toptal首席运营官兼联合创始人Breanden Beneschott说. “我们非常专注于打造最具创新性的产品, 人才网络世界, and building a more gender diverse community is critical towards being able to accomplish that.”

Scholarship winners will be able to use the money in any way that helps them pursue their ambitions to become future 软件工程师. Example uses include everything from helping to pay for tuition at MIT, 到支付Coursera课程的费用, to paying themselves salary while they work on open source or start-up endeavors.

“在今天的科技行业, quality education can come from so many different valuable places, and that’s something that this scholarship really embraces,Anna Chiara Bellini说, Toptal的工程总监. “Giving winners access to top quality mentorship on topics of their choosing and $5,000 with very few strings attached will really allow them to learn and improve their skills as they prefer, instead of being locked into a rigid educational program.”

Toptal is home to some of the world’s most intelligent and experienced computer scientists, 软件工程师, 和设计师, 所以除了金钱奖励, recipients of a Toptal Scholarship will be able to work with dedicated mentors from Toptal’s network, giving them access to a great wealth of knowledge and technical expertise. The Toptal community includes professional engineers 和设计师 across 93+ countries with expertise spanning countless industries and interests. Scholarship winners will work one-on-one with mentors from the network on a weekly basis over the course of an entire year to help them achieve their software engineering goals.

“We’re committed to improving the number of women in our freelance network and across the tech industry. We’re constantly aiming to better help our clients build the best engineering teams in the world, and working towards greater gender diversity is an extremely important step towards that goal,贝里尼说。. “We want to better the professional stance of women in technology, and providing women with great mentorship opportunities is a first step in the right direction.”

像苹果、谷歌和Facebook这样的科技巨头已经做到了 发布的数据 showing that women comprise only 16% of the engineering workforce in the technology industry. The gap is even larger when you look at open source, with women making up around just 6%的GitHub用户. Toptal Scholarships are aimed at raising further awareness of this issue and helping to bridge that gap by supporting women aspiring towards a career as 软件工程师.

申请全额奖学金, applicants must make an open source contribution on GitHub and write a blog post describing the experience, 他们必须解决的问题, 以及他们从中学到的东西. To aid applicants who are first-time open source contributors, Toptal has also published a 入门指南 在GitHub上做出你的第一个开源贡献. Winners will be chosen by a selection committee led by Bellini, and finalists for each month’s award will be invited to interview with the judges directly.

Toptal奖学金计划遵循 全球导师计划, in which Toptal partnered with General Assembly to donate $100,000 to provide scholarships to members of groups traditionally underrepresented in the tech industry, Toptal开发者承诺支付1美元,000,000 worth of in-kind tutoring and mentorship support to General Assembly students and graduates over the next two years.


The Scholarships Program starts on October 21, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. 美国东部时间,报名截止时间为晚上11点59分.m. 美国东部时间2016年10月14日. Winners will be chosen based on the merit and potential of their application. 无需购买即可进入. Void where prohibited by law (and not offered in prohibited jurisdictions). 适用某些资格限制. 以奖学金官方规则为准.

适用于 女性开发者总奖学金 有关该计划的更多信息,请访问


成立于2010年, Toptal is one the fastest-growing and most innovative companies to emerge from Silicon Valley. 得到了安德森·霍洛维茨基金的支持, 硅谷著名的风险投资公司, 亚当·德安杰洛, Quora创始人, 瑞安洛克菲勒, 以及其他投资者, Toptal today connects thousands of elite freelance 软件工程师 from around the world to over 2,000只蓝筹股,如摩根大通和辉瑞, Airbnb和Zendesk等科技公司, and numerous startups to provide world-class solutions that meet the most complex and challenging requirements. 有望达到80美元,000,000 annual run rate (ARR) in less than five years since its founding, Toptal’s rapid growth is testimony to exploding client demand and the unmatched quality and reliability of the company’s services.


+1 (415) 308-8209

我们非常专注于打造最具创新性的产品, 人才网络世界, and building a more gender diverse community is critical towards being able to accomplish that.

Toptal连接 排名前3% 世界各地的自由职业人才.
